Business Integrity provides a multidisciplinary team approach to mediation, where we not only help to resolve disputes, we recommend systemic changes to workplace procedures and workplace culture. We help employers avoid becoming overly defensive and insular following specific disputes, instead becoming more open and approachable by embracing changes that foster positive alterations in the workplace environment. With our method, employees can see and feel, in concrete ways, that the organization is serious about improving the overall culture.
Our holistic team approach combines and coordinates the legal and business background of attorney and mediator Stuart Leviton with the clinical and subject matter expertise of renowned sexual issues expert Robert Weiss. We take this interdisciplinary approach because claims of sexual harassment and discrimination are not merely legal disputes; they involve two (or more) people and an organization in crisis, needing more than just legal resolution. To our knowledge, we are the only organization offering this multi-faceted approach to dispute resolution.
Usually, mediation is the final act in resolving a conflict. With Business Integrity, the tactics are different. We view mediation as the beginning of a healing process, addressing both the immediate disagreement and longer-term thinking and culture.
To learn more about our mediation services, please contact us with a request for more information.