Business Integrity’s assessments and trainings approach and deal with sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace—especially as this involves C-Suite, Board, and other executive level employees—from two interrelated angles. First, we assess and make recommendations regarding existing policies and procedures. Next, we assess and address, from a clinical and sociological standpoint, the organizational culture that either openly or covertly supports, fosters, and facilitates these issues. To our knowledge, we are the only organization offering this two-pronged approach to addressing workplace sexual harassment and discrimination.
After initial assessment of policies, procedures, and organizational culture, we recommend and work to implement both individual and organizational action steps as needed. Typically, these efforts include Board/C-Suite level and Human Resources trainings designed to educate and empower leadership and HR personnel in ways that create a healthier organizational culture. Through these efforts, the lived experience of individuals within the organization begins to more accurately reflect the organization’s overall values.
At Business Integrity, we believe that establishing and distributing policies and procedures is important, as it protects both individuals and organizations against liability (to a certain extent). But we also know that policies and procedures do not actually prevent harassment, abuse, and discrimination in the workplace. It is one thing to be aware of and upset by a pervasive problem, and to remediate that problem; it’s quite another to approach that problem holistically in ways that change the underlying thinking that fosters and facilitates it. One tactic is retroactive; the other is proactive. We advocate the proactive approach.
To learn more about our organizational cultural change programming, please contact us with a request for more information.